Can Tight Hamstrings Contribute to Sciatica?

While there are several potential causes, tight hamstrings are a common but often overlooked contributor.

Hopton MTB Downhill Race

I’ll be at Pearce Cycles MTB downhill event on the practise day and race day: 27-28th September 2024 offering Pre and Post Sports Massage.

Pain Between Shoulder Blades?

Pain between your shoulder blades, also known as interscapular pain, will manifest as a dull ache on one or both sides.

Sore feet and calves?…

Have you considered it might be your gait? Take a look at your shoes and see how the heels wear down.

Massage for sinusitis?

Your sinuses are air spaces in your skull and facial bones that make up the upper part of your respiratory tract, so gentle massage of the face will cause them to empty.