It’s always nice to hear a Sports Massage Treatment has been successful for a client, and it is even more gratifying when it’s a part of a client’s success story! Thanks Glenn!

Testimonial: Glenn Davies Ultra Runner 

I am an Ultra Runner and am proactive and dedicated to being in the best shape that I can be, ensuring I have the right nutrition, maintaining warm up, warm down and stretching plus respecting recovery times after running. My training runs are often over 20 miles covering 3000m of elevation or more each time.

Why did you decide to have a Sports Massage?

My coach Jack Scott (who won the Spine Race in 2024, knocking 10 hours off the record), suggested that I work closely with the Sports Massage Therapist to keep my legs in the best condition that they can be whilst I was training for the Offa’s Dyke 200m race. I saw Zöe once a fortnight, for the three months before racing.

Knighton: Half way through the Offas Dyke 200m race

I took up Ultra Running in 2018, which is only seven years ago and I have reached many of my goals already, however, I intend to push hard in this sport for the next ten years or more. It is a sport where mental endurance is equally as important as physical – each race is a mind game!

How was the Sports Massage treatment with Zöe?

I told Zöe that I wanted a maintenance sports massage and mentioned that I was frequently getting cramp in my calf muscles. 

During the treatment, she said the calf muscles were very tight, which I could address with a simple stretch. As aftercare, she showed me the stretch, which I carried out diligently every day and over a period of weeks I noticed I didn’t get cramp anymore.

What was the outcome of the treatment?

I had no real issues over the 200m and came 10th. I’m going to keep Sports Massage as part of my routine.

Well done Glenn on coming in 10th on the Offas Dyke 200m, I appreciate you wanted more, but to the rest of us mear mortals, that is an amazing feat! Whatever will you do to top that?…